Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nothing down below but me

I love Josh Groban's voice like whoa. :)

So I know I said I'd talk about the career fest and whatnot but I just don't feel like it...heh. If you really are curious, just get ahold of me and ask and I'll be glad to tell you.

Let's see, what's been happening?

Curtains! It's such a great production, the cast is very devoted and talented, and the crew all work together fairly well. All in all, a wonderful show that I'm very pleased to be a part of. I'm very much looking forward to trying again at my Playhouse debut show sometime in the future.

I got a new bed this weekend -- no more stupid small twin I can't even sleep on comfortably! :) It's a queen, and it's awesome and lovely. The end. Oh, and I also got a properly-functioning lamp.

The NROTC's dining out event was last night. Pretty much it was just a semi-formal awards ceremony and dinner. Some laughs here and there (plus the stanky eye from a condescending old lady at our table -- yikes.) and some dancing leadership and entertaining videos. All in all, a fairly good evening.

That's about all I exciting, I know! :P

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