Tuesday, December 8, 2009

O hai!

Things have been slightly busy lately, what with school and practicing steno and crazy weather and shopping trips. Let's recap.

Last weekend I went to Iowa City and met up with my mom and sister to do some hardcore Christmas shopping. I got most of it knocked out then, but I still have some other presents to get. Afterward, mom took us out to HuHot -- yum! I was sad that I didn't get to spend more time with them, but I had a great time overall.

Jon and I were together almost all weekend, which was actually really nice. Usually we don't spend but two or three days a week together, and almost never consecutively, but this weekend was pretty great for that. Lots of Rock Band, watching the Vikings vs. Cardinals game, playing Oblivion, eating junk food (except for the raspberries -- mmmmmmm!)...it was great to relax. That is, until I had to get home on Sunday night.

Oh. My. God.

What should've been a normal 45-minute trip took almost 1.5 hours. I-35 was insane with cars in the ditch, sliding all over, ending up on the wrong side of the road...yeah. It was nuts. I got home safely, though! The snow's really coming down now. It's kind of sucky to be in it, but looks so pretty from inside my apartment, especially with Jim Brickman's "Joy" (Christmas songs) playing and a nice mug of hot chocolate...maybe after this blizzard I'll buy a cheap sled and have some fun on the big hill on the other side of my apartment complex! :)

The campus is closing today and doesn't have any night classes, so I'm hoping it stays closed tomorrow, or at least delays classes. I'd like a day off. I don't need to get caught up on homework or anything, but it'd be really nice just to have another lazy day.

Well, I suppose that does it for now. I'll try not to go so long without an actual update next time!

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